附近地标:西城鞋业广场, 西郊大厦, 中国大酒店
商户简介:您好! 万聖鞋业有限公司建于1989年,本厂已经有二十年的生产历史 ,现已形成了产品的开发、设计、生产、销售一条龙模式,专业开发和生产供应各类男,女,童式鞋。拥有几十多名优秀的开发设计 人材的团队及一支100-500多名的高质素的员工队伍。专业生产并出口各类女鞋,男鞋,童鞋,主要销往东南亚、欧美、日韩、非洲及中东地区等国家的风格各类女鞋,男鞋,童鞋款式,价格优惠,欢迎咨询。萬聖鞋业以“笑迎天下客,誉从信中来”竭诚欢迎国内外客户前来洽谈、合作!地址:广州市荔湾区环市西路95号华丽宫酒店八楼308A室电话:手机:传真: 联系人:王慧琴E-mail:eandshoes@yahoo.com :wanghuiqinwhq@126.comQQ: Skype:eandshoesAlibabID:eandshoesMsn:eand0@hotmail.comEnglishHello! We are Wang Sheng Footwear, is professional development and production of various types of sales of women's shoes. The factory has a production history of 20 years, has now formed a product development, design, production and sales through-train model, with the development of more than 10 outstanding design talent and a team of more than 100 high quality The staff team. Specializing in the production and export of all types of women's, men's, children's shoes, mainly exported to Southeast Asia, Europe and the United States, Japan and South Korea, Africa and the Middle East countries such as the style of various women's, men's, children's shoes style, price concessions, welcome Advisory. Wholesale orders of at least 500 pairs from each.Wang Sheng Footwear"Welcomes all visitors, from the reputation of the letter to" wholeheartedly We sincerely welcome customers at home and abroad to negotiate, cooperation!Phone : Mobile: Fax: Contact: Wang Huiqin E-mail: eandshoes@yahoo.com : wanghuiqinwhq@126.com QQ: Skype: eandshoes AlibabID: eandshoes Msn: eand0@hotmail.comSite: