商户简介:我公司成立于2001年,总部设在扬州,主营产品有;毛绒玩具,工艺品,箱包,鞋帽服装等各种库存积压产品.随着公司规模不断扩大,我公司于2002年在拥有小商品海洋之称的义乌成立分公司,同时拥有3000平方公里的标准化生产车间。集生产,采购,销售为一体的多元化国际贸易公司,产品主要销售到中东,东欧,非洲,等一些国家。热烈欢迎中外客商前来洽谈。My company establish in 2001, the headquarters establish in the Yang state, and the lord camp product have;The floss toy, handicraft product, box pack, shoe hat clothing etc. various stock put off a product. along with company scale continuously extension, my company in 2002 is own small merchandise ocean of call of the righteousness be black to establish a branch and own standardize of 3000 square kilometerses production car in the meantime.Gather produce, purchase, sale is integral whole of diversification international trade company, the product main sale go to Middle East, Eastern Europe, Africa, etc. some nation.The Chinese and Foreign businessman of the ovation come talks.