附近地标:南市花园, 金城花园, 机关幼儿园
商户简介:◇ 裕兴房产是目前国内领先的大型著名房产经纪机构。从1998年仅2万元的"租房小中介",发展成为如今的行业巨人。她在业内率先开展连锁经营、银企合作、特许加盟,业务迅速从房屋租售、二手房交易扩大到 异地置业、商铺专理、楼盘代理、咨询 策划、评估公证、家居装璜、文化传播、执业教育等相关领域。 ◇ Yuxing Real Estate is one of the leading real estate agent companies among all large famous companies in China. Beginning from a House Agent Company with RMB 20000 yuan in 1998, Yuxing Real Estate is now a giant of the trade. He is the one who first introduce the idea of chain-management, cooperation with bank, licensed league, and his business had expanded from house renting and selling, dealing of second hand house to the area such as house purchasing in other places of the country, shops agent, housing agent, planning and consultation, evaluation and notarization, house decoration, culture transmission and training. ◇ 裕兴房产创始人张裕兴凭其丰富的个人社会经历结合MBA的专业理论研究,不断创新,锐意进取,在浙江、云南、江苏、上海等地设立了近百家分支机构,并正在全国 范围内构建更大规模的特许经营加盟网络。裕兴以其特有的神奇理念、神速发展和神 效管理模式,引起了国内外工商界的广泛关注,并列入美国国际大学MBA教案。 ◇ With abundant social experience and specialized study of MBA, Zhang Yuxing, founder of Yuxing Real Estate, had already set up almost 100 subsidiaries in Zhejiang, Yunnan, Jiangshu and Shanghai, and now he is trying to establish a larger scaled licensed management net in the country. Yuxing Real Estate, whose magic idea, development and management mode have attracted concern from industrial and business trade of the country and even outside the country, is now listed on program of MBA in International University of USA.◇ 裕兴房产一贯奉行"服务是第一产品,口碑是首要广告"的经营理念,秉承"欢乐创业、精彩人生"的企业精神,走出一条具有裕兴特色的永续发展之路。◇ Carrying on the management idea of "service, the first product, reputation, the foremost advertisement", and spirit of "carvin...