酒店简介:邢台宾馆(邢台市政府招待处)隶属于邢台市委、市政府的大型政务、商务三星级宾馆,始建于1958年。1991年江泽民总书记来邢台视察曾下榻于此并提写了馆名。2002年5月23日原中央政治局常委宋平下榻贵宾楼,对宾馆的服务给予高度评价,并亲笔题名留念。2002年7月22日原国访部长迟浩田书赠邢台宾馆:满面春风邢台人,与时俱进牛城新。2006年6月16日中共中央纪委书记何勇对宾馆的服务工作给予了充分肯定。邢台宾馆素有花园宾馆、卫生宾馆、文明宾馆之称,舒适的住宿环境,不仅是政府部门的政务接待中心,也是广大市民阖家团聚、举办婚庆、生日庆典及各类商务活动的理想场所。邢台宾馆西邻市政府、南靠繁华商业区,距火车站、汽车站仅1公里,交通便利、购物方便 邢台宾馆全体员工竭诚欢迎您的光临!Dear Honorable Guests:Welcome you stay in our Hotel.Xingtai hotel established in 1958.under the command of Xingtai municipal party committee and Municipal government ,is a grand hotel conducting official affair and business. President jiangzeming inscribed the name during his stay here. While he was inspection Xingtai in 1991.on July 22nd 2002 chihaotian, the former Minister of Defence, gave praise on the super service by means of inspiration. General songping ,the former member of standing committee of Chinese central political department, on may 23rd,2002. so did Heyong the clerk of Chinese central department, on June 16th 2006. Loated in the busy downtown in Xingtai the hotel has perfect facilities and enjoys very convenient transportation .it is an ideal place for both official affairs business and wedding ceremonies, birthday parties. The hotel is garden hotel and one of the green restaurants in china We look forward to you visit our hotel. General manager 品质源于细节,细节决定成败。