附近地标:家乐福, 龙之梦购物中心, 新时空国际商务广场
商户简介:长三角最大最专业美容纹绣连锁 —————————————— ■The largest and most professional beauty tattoo chain in Yangtze River Delta■ 昭君.时尚纹饰艺术传媒(以下称昭君时尚纹绣),始创于1989年,秉承诚信、沟通、责任、专业、专注的核心价值观,稳步发展,至今已为近2万名爱美女性量身打造美丽容颜,我们的使命是:专业纹绣,缔造完美,让天下女人不化妆都没有缺憾。 昭君时尚纹绣经过23年的飞速发展,已成为拥有国际顶级纹饰名师团队、业务团队、近百家网点及4家医美的专业美容纹绣机构。我们用专注专业书写着一个又一个的丽人传奇,秉承互利双赢及超出消费者预期打造与众不同的宗旨,用艺术家的情怀抒发出属于您的美丽。 专业美丽顾问,亲切温婉,值得您托付的真心朋友。把烦恼,把想法,把改变都转交给她。让她为您承担,解决所有问题。满意为止,诚信为真,全程解答您的疑难杂问。生活中的朋友,美丽的大师,触动时尚的瞬间,火亮所有人的眼球。 昭君时尚纹绣绽放您最灿烂的微笑 Zhaojun fashion tattoo art media ( Zhaojun fashion tattoo ), began in 1989, adhering to the "integrity, communication, responsibility, professional, concentrate on the core values, and steady development, has been for nearly 20000of female beauty tailored beautiful appearance, our mission is: professional tattoo, creating a perfect, let the world woman no makeup no regret. Zhaojun fashion tattoo after 23years of rapid development, has become a top international design teacher team, sales team, nearly a hundred outlets and4medical beauty professional beauty tattoo body. We focus on professional writing another beauty legend, uphold mutual benefit win-win and beyond expectation of consumers to create out of the ordinary purposes, with the artist's feelings and express your beauty. Professional beauty consultant, kind gentle, worthy of your trust friends. The trouble, the ideas, the change is transmitted to her. To undertake for you, solve all problems. Satisfaction, for the integrity of the whole is really, solve your problem to ask. Friends in life, b...