附近地标:华普超市, 新新公寓, 政法大学
商户简介:金品世家(北京)珠宝有限公司 位于昌平区东环路30-4号,地理位置优越,交通便利,环境雅致。是一支有着多年珠宝从业经验、以诚信为本,商德为上的专业化团队。主要从事:天然翡翠,宝石,珊瑚,珍珠,近代名人书画,高档商务礼品,工艺制品等商品的销售,可为您提供:批量、定制、代购、团购等多项服务. 本公司现为:-(中国书画院),(中国国际书画艺术交流中心),(中华诗书画印协会),指定合作单位.Entities, only the sale of A cargo! Each ornaments are attached to identification certificate issued by the welcome in Beijing buyers to shop appreciation of the exchange entity. JPSJ (BeiJing) Jewellery Conmpany Ltd. Dong Huanlu 30-4 in the Changping District, and strategic location, convenient transportation, the environment elegant. Is a business with many years experience in jewellery, in good faith-based, to Germany for the professionals Of the team. Mainly engaged in: natural jade, precious stones, coral, pearl, the Modern Masters Fine Art, high-grade business gifts, technology products such as the sale of goods, can provide you with: bulk, will be System, Daigou, Customers such as a wide range of services. The Company is currently :-( Chinese Painting and Calligraphy Institute), (the China International Painting and Calligraphy Art Center), (Chinese painting and calligraphy poem printed Association), the designated co-operation units.